Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is the local militia obsolete?

I don't think so. In the not too distant past (1942) the then Governor of Maryland Herbert L. O'Conor gave a radio address. The date was March 10, 1942. It was about as perfect a declaration of the value of a local militia as one can imagine...........

“The sincere hope of every person in Maryland is that our State may never experience invasion or attack. That we should consider such a thing as possible is in itself a terrible shock to the American state of mind. Nevertheless, with so much of the world overrun by the enemies of Democracy, and with the invasion of Java and New Guinea as well as other points in the Australian Archipelago fresh in our minds, we would be foolish, indeed, not to be prepared, as completely as possible, for any such happening, even here in Maryland.”

A large group of volunteers joined together and became known as the Maryland Minute Men.

He went on......

“The mission of the Maryland Minute Men is to furnish immediately, local protection against parachute troops, saboteurs, or organized raiding parties. It is planned that the units be confined to their own communities so that there will be assurance at all times that every residential section of Maryland will have protection…."


”For the present the hard-pressed Ordnance Department of the United States Army cannot be expected to furnish sufficient arms, ammunition, or equipment. Hence, the volunteers, for the most part, will be expected to furnish their own weapons. For this reason, gunners (of whom there are 60,000 licensed in Maryland), members of Rod and Gun Clubs, of Trap Shooting and similar organizations, will be expected to constitute a part of this new military organization.”

The radio address is too long a read to copy and paste verbatim so I took the parts that captured the essence of the total address.

Are we so foolish to think that circumstances could never arise that would cause the need for such an organization again?


  1. I think we need this type of organization now more than ever. One problems that arises is that Maryland has some of most draconian gun laws around. But going to shooting ranges was still legal last I checked (for how long is debatable). Teaching others what you know and learning new things from them helps everyone all around. Knowledge is power and a computer can be just as deadly as a gun...

    We need to watch the politicians, because guns are firmly in their sights. The new attorney general doesn't believe in citizens 2nd amendment rights for crying out loud.
    Perhaps we can get some lists together of senator/congress email/phone #'s etc, and let our elected officials know how we feel. Start some petitions perhaps for conceal/open carry laws to be voted on by the people instead of politicians.

    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
    ----> except in Maryland I guess it now reads...

    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a sorta free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed", When you are inside your own house, otherwise your sol and doa.

  2. Hannibal,

    It is important to contact our local politicians by phone, e-mail, letter, whatever means possible. Does anyone have e-mail addresses and/or form letters for us to send? Maybe a link to those addresses?
