Sunday, February 22, 2009

Facts you may not know about the Mexican invasion

Border agents to Americans: "You have been invaded"

A working relationship based upon mutual trust and respect has evolved between Minuteman Project volunteers and U.S. Border Patrol agents. But efforts to stem the tide of illegal crossings are frustrated by U.S. Border Patrol management—which gets its orders from the White House.
In an April 30, 2006 article for, National Association of Chiefs of Police Vice-President Jim Kouri stated, "You have been invaded, America. There are reportedly 20 million illegal aliens in this country now, and the number could be much higher."
In advance of the May Day protest, Kouri interviewed officials from Local 2544 which represents Border Patrol agents in Arizona. They claim that, while Congress and the Bush administration claim they are beefing up border security, the men and women on the frontlines know the sad truth: "There is no way to call for backup. It’s inexcusable. Our vehicle fleet is falling apart, with many patrol vehicles in excess of 100,000 or 200,000 very hard miles. We are constantly told there is ‘no funding’ for new vehicles, so we continue to drive unreliable junk year after year after year...Don’t listen to the smooth-talking pinheads who tell you otherwise."
Evidence supporting these claims is overwhelming. The present severity of the illegal immigration issue is a direct result of Bush administration policy as facilitated by a compliant Congress. Thousands of illegals cross the border every day. U.S. immigration law recognizes that an undocumented border crossing is an illegal act, but law enforcers are not provided with sufficient resources to prevent the criminal activity. "Our president, George W. Bush, is doing nothing more than winking at them [illegals] and promising them a huge amnesty program," Local 2544 officials said.
"We try every day to stem this massive wave of illegal immigration, but we are overwhelmed, ill-equipped, underfunded, and sold out by politicians. We lost this battle years ago," the officials said in a press release.
It is estimated that 40 percent of the people still in Mexico say they want to come here. "Take it from the troops on the front lines, America—the borders of this country are completely out of control," Kouri concluded.

Immigration stats from The LA Times:
1. 40% of all workers in L.A. County (L.A. County has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.
2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.
4. Over 2/3's of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.
5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.
6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.
7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.
8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in L.A. are Spanish speaking.
10. In L.A.County 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million Speak Spanish (10 million people in L.A.County).
Additional figures:
1. Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops but 29% are on welfare.
2. Over 70% of the United States annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration.
3. The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was a NET (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) $70 BILLION a year, [Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University].
4. The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services used) for the average adult Mexican immigrant is a NEGATIVE.
5. 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

1 comment:

    16 illegals sue rancher who catches them on his land
    Aliens claim American violated civil rights, inflicted emotional distress

    Posted: February 05, 2009
    12:00 am Eastern
    By Chelsea Schilling
    © 2009 WorldNetDaily
    A group of 16 illegal aliens is suing an Arizona rancher, claiming he violated their civil rights, falsely imprisoned them and inflicted emotional distress by holding them at gunpoint on his property along the border.
    The federal lawsuit against Douglas, Ariz., rancher Roger Barnett, his wife, Barbara, and his brother, Donald, is taking place before Judge John Roll in U.S. District Court and will run through Feb. 13. The Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund, or MALDEF, is representing the five female and 11 male illegals.
    Al Garza, National Executive Director for Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, attended the first day of hearings on Monday. While the plaintiffs allege that Barnett attacked them because he is racist, Garza, an American of Mexican descent, said Barnett has never shown any hostility toward him.
    "There is no racist agenda here, or I wouldn't be a part of it because I am an American of Hispanic descent," Garza said. "We don't hate anyone from any particular country. We just want our laws enforced. This is not about color."
    Many of the aliens are residents of Michoacan, Mexico. Four live in Illinois, one resides in Georgia and another in Michigan. All of the plaintiffs currently living in the U.S. listed pseudonyms in the lawsuit due to "fear of adverse action based on immigration status."
    According to the complaint, Barnett, a resident of Douglas who owns 22,000 acres
    along the border in southeastern Arizona, approached the group of illegals on an all-terrain vehicle on March 7, 2004. He allegedly began yelling at them in English and broken Spanish while aiming his gun at the group. While Barnett's dog barked at the intruders, the illegal aliens accused him of ordering the dog to attack. One of the women said the rancher kicked her because she refused to get up.
    Barnett allegedly detained the trespassing illegals until Border Patrol agents arrived.
    But Garza said their testimonies don't add up.
    "I saw yesterday that these stories were fabricated," he said. "They were coerced into saying things that would ordinarily not be said by an illegal immigrant with no education."
    Garza said Barnett's dog has never been vicious and that Barnett did not kick the woman. He also said one female witness told the court the group had been robbed in Mexico and that the only time they feared for their lives was when Barnett accosted them.
    "She said she was not afraid in Mexico because there were only four men, and there was only one gun, and the way that they robbed them was in a very nice, very polite fashion," he said. "But when Barnett came into the picture, she said he was very vicious and he wanted to kill them. So they were more afraid of one American defending his property than four robbers on their side."
    The lawsuit alleges that Barnett never told the illegals they were trespassing and failed to post a sign notifying them that they were on private property. Because they detained the group, the Barnett family is accused of depriving the plaintiffs of equal protection and due process under the law.
    "What in the world are they doing on anyone's property?" Garza asked. "What are they doing in the United States? It doesn't make any sense."
    He continued, "They are here breaking laws. They conspired to come here. What makes anyone believe that they are credible?"
    MALDEF claims the family attacked, harassed, threatened and held the illegals against their will because they were motivated by racial and class-based discrimination. The Barnetts allegedly caused the group "severe emotional and mental distress," including fear, anxiety, humiliation, stress, frustration and sadness. Each illegal alien is suing for $1 million in actual damages and $1 million for punitive or exemplary damages.
    In March, the same judge refused to have the lawsuit thrown out, because he said he believed the family denied the aliens' right to interstate travel and that the detention was racially motivated.
    The Minuteman Civil Defense Corps and Arizonans for Immigration Control have been rallying in support of Barnett in front of the court.
    Garza said property owners are forced to deal with the consequences when immigration laws are not strictly enforced. Illegal aliens cross the border and destroy private property every day.
    "I wouldn't blame the guy if he told them to leave," Garza said. "I would have done the same thing because of all of their discarded trash. They urinate everywhere. There is feces all over the place, discarded clothing, shoes, backpacks, cans and other things that we're responsible to pick up. They do that, and we're racist?"
    In a 2004 interview with Fred Elbel and Frosty Wooldridge, Barnetts said he used to pick up trash from illegals, but he no longer makes the effort.
    "I won't pick it up because some day, I think if our government gets up off their a-- and does the job they're supposed to, they're going to quit coming across and I can make one big concentrated effort, if I'm still alive, to get the trash off," he said. "It's going to take 20, 30 or 40 people with garbage bags to carry it off ... of one particular area. Some days, I think what the hell am I doing this for?" Garza said groups of illegals cross the border and head to Tucson
    , Phoenix and other staging areas in Arizona.
    "From there, they go into Michigan, Idaho and wherever the demand is," he said. "They find jobs in the hotel business, working at golf courses, landscaping, cooking, and washing dishes. It's not because Americans won't do these jobs; it's because they don't want to pay."
    While illegals may only earn $7 an hour for such jobs, Garza said they find other ways to compensate for lack of income.
    "They don't mind because they go on welfare and use aliases. They get welfare, food stamps, free education, section 8 housing. They don't have to pay taxes. Why not work for $7 an hour?"
    Garza told WND he believes politicians need to stop caving into demands for cheap labor so the influx of illegals will stop. They must secure the borders, enforce immigration law, hold people who hire illegals accountable and stop giving social benefits to noncitizens.
    He said, "We're inviting them by giving them an appetite for things like jobs, public and social services like welfare, free medical and things that we don't get as taxpayers."
    In the interview, Barnett said he has tried to contact his representatives about the wave of illegals coming across his property.
    "They won't listen," he said. "They're useless."

    And California wonders why they are in trouble? Illegal immigration is draining an already hurting system. Billions are being flushed away by ICE, the courts, law enforcement/prisons, crime, welfare, food stamps, education, medical care, the statistics are staggering.

    Did you know that when they take the US census they don’t ask if you are a US citizen. Illegals are counted as citizens.

    So sad.

